Broadcastify Feed Has Disconnected From the Server Error

  • #1

I'm sure this is just a temporary issue but one of my feeds just went down and here's the error I'm getting. Posting this here in case other people run into the same issue and wonder what's going on. My feeds on audio1 and audio9 appear to be just fine.

23-Oct-2021 04:32:32 Connecting to Icecast server
23-Oct-2021 04:32:53 Connect to Icecast server failed:
A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
23-Oct-2021 04:32:53 Attempting connect on alternate port 8000
23-Oct-2021 04:33:03 Failed to get reply from Icecast server Unable to read data from the transport connection: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
23-Oct-2021 04:33:28 Silently continuing to retry contact (103).
23-Oct-2021 04:33:49 Failed to get reply from Icecast server Unable to read data from the transport connection: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
23-Oct-2021 04:34:19 Failed to get reply from Icecast server Unable to read data from the transport connection: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.


Sep 25, 2018
  • #2

Mine says offline, but it hasn't dropped the connection on my end. Logs are still blank.

But I did get an email.


  • #3

Getting the same error here. "ScannerCast PUSH Error 103" on audio3.

  • #4

Mine says offline, but it hasn't dropped the connection on my end. Logs are still blank.

I only got the error when I attempted to cycle the connection. Until I did that it showed it was working just fine in ScannerCast



  • #6

My feed shows offline, I got the email notification, but it's actually kept streaming.

  • #7

Two of mine are down as well. Woke up middle of the night, saw the email, and tried to fix ASAP. Glad this is a BCFY issue so I can go back to sleep and not have to worry about it.. hopefully it'll be resolved soon!

I also run a Calls feed and happy to report that's still working well!




Premium Subscriber

  • #8

My feeds still show as down after rebooting although both are running and Internet connection is up.

  • #9

Hello, one of my feeds got disconnected at around 3AM EST, and RadioFeed has an error "Cannot connect to Broadcastify - Code 1"

this feed is on

Another feed on audio9 is fine.

Anyone else seeing issues?

  • #10

I have the same issue. I Stopped Broadcast and tried to restart. I received this error:
ScannerCast PUSH Error 103
Failed to get reply from RR Server
Unable to read data from the transport connection


  • #11

Already a thread on this: audio3 appears to be down

In at least some cases, the feeds are showing as down but they are actually still streaming. If you don't stop your broadcast it may stay connected but restarting will prevent a reconnection. I believe this situation has happened before.

Sep 22, 2003
  • #12

Same. My status on broadcastify shows "offline" but my feed is active.


  • #13

There are two things a broadcaster should do when getting a Feed Down notification before trying to restart the feed: 1) Try listening to the feed to see if it is actually still running. 2) Check the feed listings to see if a bunch of other feeds are showing offline as well. If it is a system-wide problem, just wait because there isn't anything you can do on your end to fix it.

Last edited:


  • #14

Hello all,

I broadcast a feed for my fire department, and it's been working just fine for months. It went offline this morning at 330 or so. It still showed connected on RadioFeed, however. Clicked disconnect and the connect again, and it is giving an Error Code 1. I can't find what that means anywhere. Any help is appreciated.




Is it time for Coffee?

Premium Subscriber

Apr 24, 2020
  • #15

It appears the audio3 feeds are down. There are a few threads on this already.




Feed Provider

  • #16

Yup My Feed is down also and is not able to connect to Audio3.
Simple test just open a browser and enter your feed URL , If Broadcastify server is up it will return you a list of all feed.
But for it return
This site can't be reached
23-Oct-21 08-39-08.jpg


  • #17

Ok, forgive me, what's audio3? I'm guessing a server for Broadcastify? Is it possible to move it to a different audio feed, or do you just get defaulted to one? Thanks!




Premium Subscriber

  • #18

I can ping Audio3 but it won't accept connection.

  • #19

Looks like its back as of about 15 minutes ago.

And yes, I did check if it was streaming, it was not, and the RadioFeed client kept reconnecting with the error message.


  • #20

audio3 was locked up at about 3am, and I didn't get the notification until I rolled out of bed this morning.

All should be well now. Thanks for your patience.


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